開山資訊 ▏美國地?zé)嶙庸竞炇鹦碌氖垭妳f(xié)議(PPA)

OME Inks a Power Purchase Agreement with CC Power
OME和CC Power簽署購電協(xié)議

        開山集團在美國開發(fā)、擁有、運營地?zé)崮茉错椖康淖庸綩pen Mountain Energy LLC (OME)近期和加州社區(qū)電力公司(California Community Power,簡稱CC POwer)簽署了購電協(xié)議。CC Power是一家位于加利福利亞的電力合營機構(gòu)。OME回應(yīng)了CC Power2021年的基載清潔能源的方案征集書,并基于此與后者進行了購電協(xié)議的洽談及簽署。該方案征集書響應(yīng)了加州公用電力委員會為解決中期電力可靠性而提出的采購1000MW清潔、可用系數(shù)高的能源(如地?zé)幔┑囊蟆?/span>

Open Mountain Energy LLC (OME), a subsidiary of Kaishan Group, which owns, develops, and operates geothermal energy projects in the US, recently signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with California Community Power (CC Power), a Joint Power Agency consisting of various California Community Choice Aggregators.  The PPA was negotiated and agreed to following OME’s response to CC Power’s 2021 Request for Offers for Firm Clean Resources.  The RFO was issued in response to the California Public Utilities Commission’s mandate to address mid-term reliability which set a procurement target of 1,000 MW for clean, firm resources such as geothermal.

        OME和CC Power的購電協(xié)議容量為13MW(凈)、時長為20年;電力由OME的Fish Lake地?zé)崽铮ㄎ挥趦?nèi)華達州)提供。預(yù)計電站在2024年6月投入運營。目前Fish Lake正在進行資源鑒定,在該PPA之外項目還有10-17MW(凈)的開發(fā)潛力。這將是第三個OME與加州的購電方簽署的長期購電協(xié)議。

The PPA between OME and CC Power is for 13 MW (net) delivered from OME’s Fish Lake geothermal project in Nevada.  The contract term is for 20 years with the power plant expected to commence energy deliveries by mid-2024. OME’s Fish Lake project area is expected to have an additional 10-17MW of potential beyond this initial 13 MW that will be delivered to CC Power.  This PPA is the third long-term PPA signed by OME with a California-based counterparty.

        OME的CEO Brady Olson表示,公司將繼續(xù)開發(fā)其地?zé)豳Y產(chǎn)項目組合。該購電協(xié)議的簽署能幫助CC Power的各成員落實各自的可靠、清潔能源采購目標(biāo)。

“OME continues to develop its portfolio of geothermal assets, and is excited to enter into this PPA with CC Power to help its members achieve their firm clean resource procurement objectives,” said Brady Olson, CEO of OME.

        CC Power的主席Geof Syphers認為,地?zé)嶙鳛橐环N基載、再生能源形式,是加州未來可靠、清潔的能源供應(yīng)的重要組成部分。雙方的購電協(xié)議更是能在近期提供可持續(xù)、高可靠性的能源解決方案。

“As a baseload resource, renewable geothermal power is an important part of keeping California’s power clean and reliable in the future.  This contract is a near-term solution to providing needed reliability in a sustainable way,” said Geof Syphers, Chair of CC Power.

        OME的母公司——開山集團是一家國際地?zé)岐毩㈤_發(fā)商及模塊電站設(shè)備制造商,其已投運及開發(fā)中的地?zé)犭娬颈椴加∧帷⒚绹?、土耳其、匈牙利和肯尼亞。美國的Wabuska項目投運已超過4年;12.5MW的Star Peak項目將在7月投入運營——兩者皆包括在OME與南加州公用電力機構(gòu)(SCPPA)早前簽署的長期購電協(xié)議內(nèi)(15.5MW)。

Open Mountain Energy is a subsidiary of Kaishan Group.  Kaishan Group is a geothermal independent power producer and an equipment supplier of modular power plants, with plants in operation and/or development in Indonesia, US, Hungary, Turkey and Kenya. In the US, its Wabuska project has been in operation for over four years, and its 12.5 MW Star Peak project is expected to be commissioned in July of 2022.  Both of these projects previously entered into long-term PPA’s with Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA).
